Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Hey everyone,

I just wanted to introduce myself so everyone knows a little bit more about me. My name is Sean, I'm in my third year here in the CUArch program and loving every minute of it, including the 70 hours of work on minimal amounts of sleep. Ever since I was little I always wanted to study architecture. I think it was all the times my dad used to help me out with school projects and such. He has his degree in architecture from Catholic University, coincidence? i think not, and working with him was always just so cool to me.

I'm from a small town in northern New Jersey just west of Newark, and lived there my entire life. The jump to DC was a big one but it was just what I needed. And now this opportunity to go to Panama?? How can I resist? Especially when I get the chance to help people, which I can never pass up. I am really looking forward to this and can NOT wait!

Sean Scofield

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